Holidays /FRANCE

Joanna Mika-Hadelka 2007-01-19

- New Year's Day ( Nouvel An) - January 1st
- Friday Easter (Vendredi Saint) - April 6th
- Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques) - April 9th
- Labour Day (Fête du travail) - May 1st
- Victory Day 1945 (Victoire 1945) - May 8th
- Ascension Day (Ascension) - May 17th
- Monday Pentecost (lundi de Pentecôte) - May 28th
- National Day (fête nationale) - July 14th
- Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary (Assomption) - August 15th
- All Saints' Day (Toussaint) - November 1st
- Armistice 1918 (Armistice 1918) - November 11th
- Christmas Day (Noël) - December 25th
- December 26th