Program for preventing the bullying in school/ Näsin koulu

Sinikka Hirvonen 2007-03-09

- Each individual has right to live, to be free, untouched and safe - (The Law of constitution of Finland)

Bullying is repeated, long-term, insulting, hurting and unfair
- hitting, kicking, pushing
- making the target to do something against his/her will
- taking, breaking or hiding properties
- calling names
- threatening, blackmailing
- whispering, nasty looks
- isolating the victim from the group
- putting conditions for the friendship

The participant roles of bullying

- person, who is the target of repeated bullying
- tries to get more popularity and enforce his/her statement in the peer group
- joins the bully, assists
- follows the bully’s orders
- acts encouraging, gather to see, laughs
- silently approves, doesn’t have courage to tell to the adults
- comforts the victim, tries to stop the bullying, tells to someone


Knowing the students. The teacher knows her/his students and realises their backgrounds, what are their strong or weak points.
Fairness. Everyone’s sakes are equally important.
Persistence. Conflicts are solved to the end again and again.
Communication. The teachers co-operate with the families.
Control. The students are supervised, controlled and helped to co-operate in the school building and on the school yard.
Good school-spirit and class-spirit by common events, play, games, discussions, impressing the accepting atmosphere, solving conflicts etc.
Self-assessment. The positive and realistic self-consciousness of the child helps him/her to accept himself/herself. That helps also to accept the others the way they are.
Bullying questionnaires. For smaller children verbally, for older ones in black and white.
Godstudent system. Each pupil at year 1 has an older godstudent from year 5. The older student represents a familiar and safe person among bigger students.
Student welfare team. A multidisciplinary team; main target is to help the pupils to manage with concerning psychological, physical or social problems. The members are: school psychologist, school social worker, special needs teacher, school nurse, and head of school and class teacher. Co-operations. Youth affairs councils of the city of Porvoo or the parish.


- We make clear that bullying is unacceptable and it causes retributions.
- Each partner will be listened all together and one by one.
- We try to reach peace and forgiveness.
- The parents need to know the situation.
- Family meetings with all the partners and their parents.
- The help of the Student welfare team.


There is not only one solution or pattern how to solve conflicts. The personality of the adults and children has effects to the solution. Finding the guilties is not the most important thing. It is important to learn about it for the future. You don’t have to love everybody - not even like them - but you have to get along with everyone. “But she/he also did…” is not the reason for psychological or physical hurting. From the beginning of the first days in school we teach emotional skills weekly.