Ewa Kurzak 2007-03-20

Easter observances in Poland actually begin on Ash Wednesday, when pussywillows called in polish "bazie" or "kotki" are cut and placed in the water. These pussywillow twigs are used later on Palm Sunday as "palms" to be blessed in the church, because palms are not available in Poland. Holy Week (Wielki Tydzień) begins on Palm Sunday, which is a commemoration of Christ's entry into Jerusalem. High Mass features a reading of Christ's Passion. During the Great Fast it is customary to participate in special religious observances such as Stations of the Cross, Bitter Lamentations, and an annual three-day retreat which closes with the reception of the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist. The Easter season ends on Easter Monday when the traditional "Smigus-Dyngus" custom is observed.

Ash Wednesday / Środa Popielcowa /
The Polish Easter celebrations, beginning with Ash Wednesday. Most of the Poles try to go to the church for the mass, where priests mark their heads with a cross of ashes while saying: "Remember, man thou art dust and to dust thou shall return".