SLOVENIA /Welcome to the QUIZ about Slovenia

Polonca Zalokar 2007-05-11


Students prepared quiz about Slovenia Welcome to verify your knowledge about our country!

Slovenia has a shape of an animal. Which one?
 a dog
 a fish
 a chicken

Where does Slovenia lie?
 in Western Europe
 in Central Europe
 in Northern Europe

Which city is the capital of Slovenia?

Which country was Slovenia once part of?
 ex-Soviet Union

What is the population of Slovenia?
 1 million
 2 million
 10 million

What is the Triglav?
 Slovenian parlament
 the longest Slovenian river
 the highest peak in Slovenia

What is "kurent"?
 the most known Slovenian Shrove character
 an expression for the Slovenian resident
 a Slovenian expression for a gipsy
