Maria Piedad Avello 2008-05-18

- A hake divided in slices
- Two onions
- Garlic
- Parsley
- White wine
- 100 grm of baby clams

Cut the onion into small pieces, add them in the saucepan with one garlic in pieces and some olive oil. Fry everything until the onion will be a little bit brown.

Add clams to a pot with a little of water and steam over low heat just until clams open, . The soup of the clams must be strained and added to the main saucepan.
Add a cup of white wine, the parsley and leav boil until the garlic and the onion will be soft.
Add the slices of hake coated in flour. First fry the hake in a sauce pan to get a brown colour, then add to the saucepan. Boil about ten minutes.