Living Paintings - project members

Halina Bednarz 2010-12-29

Open for registering :) welcome to!


Halina Bednarz (Poland)
Maria Antonietta Sessa (Italy)


The aim of the project is to bring art to Life through 'Living Paintings'.

duration: January -May

To do...
Prepare the replication of a chosen minimum one painting - one of own national painter and optional one of the other across continents Asia-Europe - with the actors frozen in place.
Take a photo
and if possible a movie as well - example:

The movie can be about the preparation or telling the 'paint story' in a shape of performance/theatre.

Welcome to!

The community space on Facebook:

ITALY - I.I.S.S. Galileo Galilei

teacher: Maria Antonietta Sessa

Young Diplomats from IS Galilei in Benevento, Italy.

ESTONIA - Lasnamae Gymnasuim

teacher: Svetlana Dychenko

to be continued..