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A journey with the pink buses

Alice Wentzel 2014-11-24

Our journey lasted for eleven days. We went from Gothenburg to Berlin to Prague to Auschwitz to Krakow and back to Sweden by bus and during the trip we experienced a lot of fun and interesting things. Here are three of them

Swimming in the sea

The last night of the trip we spent on a camping in Germany close to the sea. That night we were allowed to stay up as long as we wanted (the other days bed time was at ten). Me and some of the others decided to go for a swim in the sea, even thought it was around nine o'clock and dark outside. We more or less guessed which way the sea was and apparently we were right. Well, the others were right. I was just following them, since I have a very bad sense of direction. We crossed a road and a railway and then we walked a bit beside some houses and a bit in the forest and finally we reached the beach. It was an amazing sight, because one couldn't see where the sea ended and the sky began. It was cloudy outside, so all one could see beyond the shore was a big, black mess. We changed to swimsuits and then we walked into the water, into the darkness. It wasn't at all cold, and even thought it was a bit scary to swim in almost complete darkness, it was so fun and beautiful and an unforgettable memory.

The guide

One of the days in Berlin we went on a guided tour with bicycles. The class had been divided into two groups. Our group had a very good guide, and although I don't remember his name I will try to describe him. He was quite short and young and wore a cap and a red sweater that said "Fat Tire" which was the name of the company that organized the tour. His English was perfect and I think he might have been a native English speaker, since he talked about how he was going to be forced to move if Germany's xenophobic party won the election. Over all I liked the guy. He was good at explaining things during the tour and he was funny. But he kept bicycling so fast, that we had to shout for him to wait sometimes when someone was to far behind.

A stop by the road

Some of the days we travelled all day, and therefor we had to do some stops by the road: to visit the toilet, to fill the tank and to make lunch. One of these stops I remember particularly well. It was kind of an ugly and dull place: a small lawn, a couple of tables and a quite disgusting toilet. On one side of the lay-by was the road but on the other side was this, I don't really know how to describe it, but it was like a hill, not very high but quite wide, like big wall of earth with grass upon it. The funny thing was that it was impossible to see what was hidden on the other side. It looked as if the world ended there, on the other side of that hill. We were all curios to see what it was, so we climbed the small hillside. It was quite disappointing, really: just some fields and a couple of houses further away. But the sky was clear and it was windy and the wiew was pretty beautiful after all, so I liked it. It was difficult to climb down since the hillside was quite steep, but finally we made it. Then we ate some pasta salad and so the journey went on.

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