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International schools

Molly and Tinde 2015-03-03

What if you went to school in China or Ireland?


An ordinary day in my international school in China:

I take the schoolbus to and from school. When I first come to school I do some work (what I hadn't finished the other day or work my teacher gave me. Etc.). After that my class and I go to Art, P.E, the library, or the computer lab. We are there about an hour. After that we go back to the classroom and work on math. Then we go to the cafeteria to eat lunch. I didn't like the lunch. Because there were Chinese cooks and they try to cook international food, (spaghetti, hot dog, pizza, Etc.)but they are not good at cooking international food. That is why I don't like the food in school. After that I have Chinese. There are three levels in chinese: easy level, middle level, and hard level. I had middle level. After we had Chinese we would finish the day with some work. Then we would take the schoolbus home.


In math we worked in a big math book. The book was filled with math problems and math questions. In a workbook we wrote the answers to all the questions. When we were finished answering all the questions on one page, we would chek if the answers were right.

(Somtimes my teatcher would give me some mathproblems for me and my friends to solve together.)


In art we made sculptures and paintings and other things. And always after we had made a sculpture or a painting(and other things)we would wright a little article about the sculpture that we had made.


In P.E(pyhsical education)we ran, played games, and raced with eachother. I didnt really like P.E beacuse I am not a fast runner or a good racer and because of that i didn't really injoy P.E that much.


In music I sang songs, learned notes, and watched musical movies. I liked music, the only thing that I didn't like about music was that nobody sang. And when my classmates didn't sing I didn't sing. And that made it all very boring.


In my school we had a library. It was pretty big. I loved the library because i love reading, and in the library there were all kinds of books. Once a week we went to the library to borrow three books, then the next week ee would bring back the books. If we weren't done with reading the books we would borrow the books again.

School markets

A school market is when all the students make bracelets, drawings, coockies, and much more other things. When all the students are done making the things we sell them to our parents.

Planting trees in Inner Mongolia

Every time we had a market in our school, the money we raised went to Inner Mongolia. And every

year some of thex students visited Inner Mongolia to plant trees. So they use the money we raise to buy the tree seeds.

Festival of the Arts

Festival of the Arts is a festival that we selebrated in my school. On that festival we would set up a stage, and if we wanted to we could sing and dance and other things. Our parents would come and watch us perform.


When did you move to china?

I moved there about 2010 and i came back quite recently.

What was your schools name?

Rainbow bridge international school.

What kind of school lunch did you have?

We had like pizza and pasta, but i didnt like the pizza because there was some weird  pizzabread with only tomatosauce on it. I only liked the noodles and the dumplings. There were cinese cooks who ofcorse were best at chinese food but they tried to make international food and that didnt taste so good.

What was your favourite lesson?

Eh... I liked the art because i like creating things.

Yeah me too. How many friends did you have?

I had three best friends.

Did you like it there?

Yeah! It was a lot stricter thou.

Where did you live?

The first year we lived in a apartment and then we lived in a valley called green valley villas. We lived in a house with two levels. In a clubhouse there was two swimmingpools, a gymnastics hall, a shop and some tennis tables.

What is the biggest difference from the swedish schools?

Its so much more stricter in China, and here the teachers dont get as mad. 


About six years ago me and my family moved to Ireland. We lived there for one and a half year, but moved back to Sweden because my parents were unhappy there. The name of my school was St James NS Bushypark. It was a very big school, we had junior infants, senior infants and all other classes up to ninth grade, all with paralells. In seventh and eighth grade they had barracks instead of classrooms because we were so many students.

The name of my teacher in first class was Mrs Cawley. She was very strict, but fair. Every year we got a new teacher. I didnt like that system, it was to messy, and mean because I got really fond of all the teachers we got.

Some of the lessons we had was gaelic (the actual language, before the brittish took over Ireland), P.E (physical exricice), drama and tin-whistle (an irish flute). We also had after school activities at the same building. You could go to irish dancing, tin-whistle, recorder, piano, choir, drama, art and craft, hurling, tag rugby, extra gaelic, football, handball, basketball, soccer, athletics, swimming and karate. I went to arts and crafts and drama. I should have been in a play with the rest of my drama group, but then we moved back to Sweden.

Every year, at Christmas we did a Christmas play. One year I was one of the wise men; Baltazar. We invited all parents and relatives and had lots of fun! We allso had an event called Multicultural day. All students from a different country represented the country they are from. I was the only one from Sweden, wich was quite boring. Mom and I baked cinnamon buns and put on Abba on my CD player. I also made a poster with facts about the royal family, Zlatan etc.

Our school uniform involved a grey jumper or cardigan, grey trousers, grey skirt or dress, a pale blue shirt or blouse with collar and a bright red school tie. At P.E we weared light grey plain tracksuits with a bright red polo shirt to wear underneath. You had to bring your own lunch, mostly a sandwich and a small yogurt. Sometimes you were allowed to bring a little treat, like popcorn or a biscut. We had a motto at our school: To be the best that we can be!  

Interview with Tinde:

When did you move to Ireland?


What was the name of your school?

St James NS Bushypark

Where did you live?

In Dun na carriage

Did you were a uniform at your scool?


What is the difference in an Irishschool and an Swedishschool?

Everything was much more stricter in the Irish school.

Did you eat the school lunch?

No, we had to bring our own lunch.

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