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Parikshya Bhattarai 2012-02-21

Nepal's flag
Nepal's flag

Nepal is a small land with beautiful landscapes and peace angel god buddha.God budddha ( Siddhartha gautam buddha ) was born in Nepal.We have more than 109 languages in nepal.
We nepali people speak own language nepali. We are Hindu and so as I. In Nepal we eat by our hand !! .A typical NEPALESE meal is dal-bhat-tarkari. Dal is a spicy lentil soup, served over bhat (boiled rice) served with tarkari (curried vegetables) together with achar (pickles) or chutni (spicy condiment made from fresh ingredients). Nepal is in between two largest countries India an China. Nepal's flag is different then other country ! We have different culture than other countries.

Nepal is a landlocked country and it is located in South Asia. Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country. Kathmandu is the nation's capital and the country's largest metropolis.
Nepal has a rich geography. The mountanious north has eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including the highest point on earth MOUNT EVEREST, called sagarmatha in nepali !. Lumbini is a Buddhist pilgrimage UNESCO world heritage site in the kapilvastu district .

Nepal's flag is the only national flag in the world that is not rectangular in shape.The red in the flag stands for victory in war or courage, and is also color of the rhododendron, the national flower of Nepal. Red also stands for aggression. The flag's blue border signifies peace. The curved moon on the flag is a symbol of the peaceful and calm nature of Nepalese, while the sun represents trhe aggresivness of Nepalese warrior. Most Nepalese know that NEPAL is abbreviated form of N:Never, E:Ending, P:Peace, A :And, L:Love.

The population is about 29 million. Nepals area is 140000km². The longest river's name is Karnali.

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