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One day in Berlin.

Emilia Tavridis 2012-10-16

A collage from our trip.
Bild:Emilia Tavridis
A collage from our trip.

This is an article based on my diary from the pink buses.

I woke up an early morning and I felt so cold. It was a grey and cloudy day but I put on shorts anyway, because I´ve heard from our teachers that it was going to be a warm day. After I´ve changed my clothes I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked at the bathroom and it wasn´t fresh at all. There were big brown and white spots on the floor, it looked like someone had dropped a toothpaste. There were also a lot of spiders in there, so I just wanted to go out. After the unfresh bathroom we ate a big breakfast with the whole class, there were sandwiches with nutella, ham, cheese, tons of different bread, cornflakes and tea. Everybody was so tired and we just wanted the day to start, we wanted to get out of this camping and go and see how Berlin really is like. So we started to walk towards the bus stop, after a quick bus ride, 13 metro stations were waiting for us to pass, until we got to the centre in Berlin that was called Alexanderplatz. We went to the Fat tire bike tours and there we split the class into two groups, my group was going to go on the bikes today.

A charming guide named Tomas came out from the store, where we were going to rent the bikes. He was going to be our guide for the day, he was from South west England and he had studied Language studies in London. He had short brown hair, a small beard, glasses and he was really tall, he was dressed in a nice light blue shirt and a hoodie from the fat tire bike store. When he started to talk with us, everybody fell in love with his accent, it was so British so we almost got the feeling that we were in England. First he checked that we actually knew how to bicycle, Tomas showed us that every bike has a name, mine was called Mafouka and someone else had a bike named Britney Spears. He also explained what his hoodie was about, it stood Poor but sexy on it. It meant that a lot of people in Berlin are poor and Berlin can be poor as a city, but it´s a sexy city with lots of things to do and a great night life. After the talk we started to bicycle, we visited a lot of famous and old churches, buildings, statues, the president Angela Merkel´s house and the Berlin wall.

But the place that touched me the most was the Humboldt university, it was there the big book burning broke out. Hitler told all the Nazis to burn all the books from famous writers like Albert Einstein and moore. Only because they were Jewish authors or written in a way he didn´t like. It really made me sad and frustrated. There was a memory statue of the book burning. It was a white room in the ground and inside it, it could fit 200.000 books, that's the number of books that were burned in the book fire. Next to the statue I saw a sign and it went like this "If you start burning books, you are going to burn humans". When I read this sign I thought it fits so well in the history and everything with the holocaust and the 2nd world war. In one way I feel so relieved that everything is over, and with everything I mean the 2nd world war, the holocaust. But on the other side I feel so sad that this happened and all the people who lost their lives and families. After the university we visited a few other places and then we started to feel hungry, so we bicycled in to a little cosy restaurant. We ate a good and creamy potato soup with sausage and a mushroom pesto. It was so nice to get some warm food in the stomach after a six hour bicycling tour, when we were done eating we got so much more energy so we did our last stops on the tour. One of the stop was the Jewish memory statue. Then we were done with the guiding tour we started to bicycle back to the bike store.

When we were back we waited for the other group and then we decided to go shopping. Me, Luisa and Lo ran around in the big mall and we got so pleased when we saw all the cheap prices so we started to pick out all the stuff we could find. So we left the shopping mall with a big bag and a big smile on our faces. Before we were going to meet the group we finished the day with a visit on Dunkin dounats. All the girls went to eat at a great pizza restaurant with Anna and Marino, our teachers and when we were going home we met Martin, the other teacher and the boys, who were somewhere else and had Kebab. So we took the nice bus home and when we arrived to the camping we were so tired so we just talked and wrote in our diary. I was so excited for tomorrow because a new day was waiting for us, we were going to Prague.

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