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What's most important

Agnes Nyberg-Ahlvin 2008-05-14

In my life there is a few things that I cannot live without: Family,Friends and Creativity.

I love my family and I really appreciate them. I am lucky to have such a nice family even though we sometimes fight and we don't always share the same opinions of everything. But I guess that's just normal, and that we are not the only family that fights over silly things like diffrent opinions for example.
I don't know what I would do if I lost someone in my family. I would probably die inside.

When it comes to my friends I think that I have the best friends in the world of course!
I think about people that do not have any friends or people around them, and it makes me appreciate my friends a thousand times more. I love my friends as much as my family. I think it's very important to have people around you that are not your family. Because it's important to get diffrent views on things and experiences in life. Otherwise I think it's easy to get a to narrow view of life which in most cases isn't so good. So I definitely do not take my friends or family for granted. Life is way to short for that!

The third thing I cannot live without ís the ability to be creative. If someone took that away from me I would probably get very depressed. The ability to be creative is one of the things in life that I really care for. And it has a very special and important place in my life. It has been there for as long as I can remember. I love to just sit at home with, for example, a bunch of magazines and think about things I want to create, draw or sew. In the future I know I will be working with something where I can use my creativity. I would probably fall asleep all day from tristesse if I'd work with something else!

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