iEARN - International Education and Resource Network

M_K_I 2004-08-03

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit organization made up of over 15,000 schools in 100 countries. iEARN empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies. Approximately 750,000 - 1,000,000 students each day are engaged in collaborative project work worldwide. Since 1988, iEARN has pioneered on-line school linkages to enable students to engage in meaningful educational projects with peers in their countries and around the world. Co-ordinator in Poland - Marek Grzegorz Sawicki contact:

iEARN in Poland

11 iEARN Annual conference in Kosice Slovakia, July 11-17 2004.

Polish delegation took part in iEARN conference on July 11-17 in Kosice, Slovakia.

During Polish presentation we described our activity and projects with extra ICT tools like movies and flash.
For this special occassion we set up life streaming from classroom onto the internet at that time..

"Mr Marek Grzegorz Sawicki, our Polish coordinator presented iEARN in Poland and extra projects. You can find them here:
M_K_I - Interschool Society of Internauts -organized life streaming onto the internet from the classroom in Kosice during our presentation. Last (historic) picture you can find here:
We were talking about our (M_K_I) ICT tools mostly (flash; movies; multimedial presentations with voice; flash morph..), and here is the corresponding info:
We had some extra movies on CD as well.
Our special guest Mr. Mike Griffith / project manager of / presented high advanced video-conference (!!). Some schools from Poland take part in project 'global-leap'"

Our report with pictures: