'Spring Day Conference' - Brussels, 3-5 September/2004

Halina Bednarz 2004-09-12

During three days we discussed about Spring Day in Europe initiative for 2005. The main subject for this 3th edition is the "European Constitution". Many new activities, including quizzes, video-conferences, international projects we described and soon they will be available on new website for this project. Have a look http://futurum2004.eun.org

..Mr Petru Dumitru during workshop

..from the left: Spain, Hungary, Finland..

..Brigitte Parry and Ulf Lundin - the SD staff members

..from the left: Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark..

..Poland and Malta

all pictures by M_K_I
related links:
@ http://futurum2004.eun.org
@ http://spring.e-szkola.net (Poland)