Move on

Ida Nilsson 2008-01-13

Bild:Ida Nilsson

If I kissed you, would you kiss me back?
Or would you turn around and pretend
that it’s over between us in front of your friends?
You said to them that it was just a fling,
Even though I were your greatest thing.
When you turned me down you could feel that something was scratching in your heart but what it is you can’t see,
Even though you didn’t care you could feel deep that it was me.
You regret yourself because all guy’s has someone accept you,
When you had me you tried to hide it even though your friends knew.
That was your biggest fear,
But, they didn’t care.
You tried to get me back and put me in you little sack.
But for trying to make me forget the miss you’ve send.
You’re so dumb because you don’t know that this is the end!
You’ve lost me, why did you do that for?
That’s why I’m not here any more.
Well for me you’re gone,
and now I will move on.

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