The Lord of the Rings

Sandra 2005-01-10

The Lord of the Rings
(The Fellowship Of The Ring)
This story is written by JRR.Tolkien. It’s starts in the Shire in hobbiton. With a little hobbit his name is Frodo Baggins. (A hobbit is a little creature hoes lock like a little child.) He sitting under a tree and wait for his friend Gandalf the Grey. Gandalf is a wizard. He comes because Bilbo Frodo’s uncle should have a very big birthday party. It’s his one hundred eleventh birthday (111). Some of the children ran frame to Gandalf. And scream “Gandalf Gandalf fireworks” And then Gandalf waited for a minute, and then he start one firework and the children screamed “Hurray hurray“. And then day ran away. And when they ran away Frodo jumped of from Gandalf’s vane. Then Gandalf went home to Bilbo for a visit. But Bilbo didn’t open the door, because he thought that Gandalf was one of his relatives. And he doesn’t want to meet them. But he opened the door when Gandalf told him that he was a very old friend. Gandalf and Bilbo spoke a little and then the Party began. At the party: Frodo stands and talk to his friend Samweise Gamji (Sam) and ask him why he doesn’t ask Rosa for a dance. Frodo pushed Sam to Rosa. Then should Bilbo read up a speech to all his guests. He takes up his ring and put it on his finger. And when he did that he became invisible. Then he ran home, and Gandalf ran after him. Bilbo should just go when Gandalf came running. They started to talk about the ring. Gandalf wanted that Bilbo should give the ring to Frodo. But Bilbo doesn’t want to. Then Gandalf become very angry and screamed at Bilbo. And at last when Bilbo should go he throws the ring on the floor and then he went. Frodo comes running and ask Gandalf where Bilbo is but Gandalf doesn’t answer him. Then Frodo understands that Bilbo is gone. He took up the ring from the floor and then Gandalf told him to keep it safe. Gandalf ride away. Then he came back and throws the ring into the fire, and gave it to Frodo and ask him if he can se anything. Frodo says: Yes I see some markings red markings. Then Gandalf told him that it was the lord Saurons ring. Frodo says: But Sauron was destroyed. Then Gandalf says: No, Sauron is bound to the ring, and the ring survived. You have to take the ring to Bree. Frodo starts his trip to Bree, with his friends Sam, Merry and Pippin. They should meet Gandalf there but when they came to Bree Gandalf wasn’t there. But they went to the inn. And there they met strider (Aragorn). He told them that the nazguls was after them. The morning after that they starts the trip to Rivendale, with Aragorn. And that night the nazguls found them and cut Frodo in is shoulder. Then the elf Arwen came and took Frodo and ride away as fast that she could to Rivendale. When they arrived her father help Frodo. And when the others arrived the elves told them that Frodo should survive. And elves also told that the ring isn’t safe in Rivendale and that someone has to take the ring to Mordor and destroy the ring. Then all the others start to fight about who should take the ring to Mordor. Frodo says: I can take it. But they don’t hear him. So Frodo screams: I can take the ring to Mordor. And then all nine starts the big trip to Mordor. Gandalf called them The Fellowship Of The Ring.

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