No one speaks to me

Ann-Christin Johansson 2004-09-08

I have a big problem which is really upsetting me. I haven’t got any friends and every break and lunch I wander round the playground in tears.Everyone is paired off and they all ignore me. I’ve tried staying in the classroom but everyone is in groups there too. I can’t tell my mum about it as she gets so upset if I’m unhappy. No-one phones me at the weekends or holidays so I have to go everywhere with my mum. It’s not that I’m not confident, I am, but when I try to chat with people they look at me as if I’m mad. I’ve had this problem since primary school and I think there’s something wrong with me. I’m worried that it’ll always be like this and I’ll have the same problem with boys when I get older.

Only 12

Kommentera Tipsa en vn Skriv ut

12. Friends Anonym 2006-12-04
11. to you Anonym 2006-12-04
10. Things that perhaps can help you.. fred-ster 8.....D 2006-12-01
9. Hello. christmas 2006-12-01
8. Answer to "No one speaks to me" poben 2006-12-01
7. No one speaks to me! Don't give up! Dajana 8d 2006-12-01
6. help is coming! wigge 2006-12-01
5. Hello BFG10k 2006-11-28
4. Only thing Anonym 2006-11-28
3. Speak Anton 8B 2006-11-21
2. Answer to "No one speaks to me" NiceN 2004-09-08
1. hello only 12 the man 2004-09-08

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