Smoking kills

Tahlia Lintern 2004-09-21

I believe that smoking is really bad for you. It can cause cancers, addiction, contains nicotine and tobacco and will decently hurt your children if you pregnant.

Firstly, there are various cancers that you can get from smoking. You can get lung and heart cancers, brain tumors and throat cancers. These are only some of the things that you can get from smoking. So this isn’t enough to tell you to quit smoking. Well there’s more to come.

Secondly, smoking is addictive because if you have a whole heap of cigarettes a year it would be really hard to quit later in your life. Besides if you spend heaps on cigarettes you won’t be able to spend that money on more important things like food and warm clothing for the winter seasons.

Thirdly, cigarettes contain nicotine and tobacco. Tobacco is a brown, sticky and smelly piece of substance that lies in every single cigarette with nicotine that you buy.

Finally, if you are pregnant and smoke you are really hurting the baby inside you. When they grow up they are going to take up smoking. If you have quit and your child starts smoking it will be because of you smoking when they were inside you.

If you start smoking you will wreck your health and you will hurt your kids. Tobacco will hurt you and you will get bad cancers. As you can see from the reasons above smoking can kill you so please, we urge you, STOP SMOKING.

Kommentera Tipsa en vn Skriv ut

1. smoking is good!!:D Anonym 2004-11-23

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