Smoking is harmful

Helen Manning-Dallman 2004-09-21

I believe that smoking is bad for you as it contains: nicotine (which is the addictive part of a cigarette), it can cause cancer, narrows blood vessels, contains tar and is harmful!

Tobacco in a cigarette contains nicotine, which is an addictive substance, and is poisonous. Three drops of pure nicotine can kill an adult.

It causes the following: cancer to the lungs, cancer to the breasts, brain tumors, gum infections, tumors and cancer can kill, as it spreads so quickly.

Nicotine narrows the blood vessels, making it difficult for the blood to travel around, and if the blood stops traveling to a body part, this body part will die and go black, meaning it could be amputated.

The main affects of smoking are: increase of pulse rate, rise of blood pressure, kidneys produce urine, narrows blood vessels, weaker appetite, taste and smell weakens, coughing, shortness of breathe, stains fingers and teeth, increasing risk of heart attack, heart disease, throat cancer and lung cancer.

Tar is released as smoke particles. It is the main causes of throat and lung cancer. After someone smokes a packet of cigarettes a day, then after a year, they would have inhaled half a beacon of tar.

Smoking is harmful and addictive. Don’t start and you won’t have to quit, you won’t have to die prematurely, you won’t have to wear wigs everywhere and you will be fine with breathing. Don’t start, an easy solution.

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