My song

Tanya 9B 2004-11-30

The wind blows, and my hair follows with the air.
The rain who just a second ago was so small, has turned into a storm.
I do not longer know if its rain that lies on my cheek or if it’s a tear.
I jump when the lightning strikes, wriggling over the sky just like a worm.

My feet are all wet, my head is full with cotton.
I didn’t know words and looks could make such a pain.
The sorrow in my heart, seems to have no bottom,

And I keep walking in the rain.

It’s getting harder and harder, I can’t see what I’m doing wrong.
It’s so confusing, and I don’t know what to do any longer.
As I still am fighting my way trough the snow that’s come, I start singing my own sad song.

But the song keeps getting happier, and my legs are getting stronger.

‘Cause now I’m on the verse, which starts with my parents, goes on with my siblings, and just keeps going.
For now I realize, I’m not alone.
And now my heart remembers all the loving,
That I get every time that I come home.

And my song will never stop, singing in my heart.
Even do I sometimes forget, I scream and I yell.
I know that I loved them right from the start.
Maybe I’m just to afraid to tell.

But I am me,
and I will always be.
So keep telling me your better than what I am.

I don’t care, I will always be the same.

Maybe you’re not loved, but that am I.
So maybe it is you who should cry,
Maybe I should feel sorry for you.
But I can tell you, I don’t do so.

Even if the rain do fall, or if the sun do shine.
Because my song is happy, and my home is mine.

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1. Superfin! MVH "Grisen 2" 2004-12-13

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