Help! My friend is a shoplifter...

Linus 2005-01-10

Help! My friend is a shoplifter…
Hi! My name is Lisa Parker, and I live in Newcastle. Me and my best friend Tina is both 15 years, and we’ve been friends ever since.

About two months ago Tina and I decided to go to the mall after school. And so we did. First we met some other guys from our school, and with them we went for a coffee. We spent about two hours with our friends, and then we went some time in all the stores. Suddenly, I saw Tina put down a lipstick in her handbag. First I got very upset and didn’t know what to do, so I just followed her out of the store. And just when we went out, I was so frightened that the alarm would start to howl.

When we got out from the store I didn’t know what to do or say. Tina asked me what’s the matter but I just smiled stiffly. What if the store had probation cameras? And what if the staff would contact the police? What would happen to Tina then? I’ve got to do something.

We went home to Tina’s and turned on the TV. I decided to talk with her.

- Tina. I saw what you did in the store. I said nerves.
- What? What do you mean?
- Tina, stop lying now.
- Excuse me! I do not know what you mean…at all.

Tina started to zap on her telly, and I knew she understood what I meant. I saw it her eyes.

- Tina! Listen to me, you have to go back to the store, and give back the lipstick!
- Lipstick? What a fuck do you talk about? I think you shall go now.
- If that’s what you want so…

I was so angry at Tina now. So angry I thought I could kill her. But if this was the way she wanted it, so…
When I came home my mother; Judy, said it was time for dinner.

- Honey, what’s up? You seem so sad. She said and looked at me with her big, beautiful eyes at the same time as she pulled her fingers through my hair.
Then I started to cry, and ran to my room. It didn’t take long for mum to come to console me. It felt good to have someone to talk to. But I didn’t tell her who of my friends it was, but I think she understood.

Next day, I ate my breakfast as usual, and then I went to school. As I walked I thought about all this with Tina. I wondered how she was going to be against me. It didn’t take long before I did get the answer on that question, because when I arrived, and met her, she just avoided me. How would this day end?

At English we were going to work in couples with a essay, and our teacher, Mrs McGuire sat me and Tina together, because that what we usually wants to. But None of us sad anything. I was sure of that Tina would say she didn’t want to work with me. But she didn’t. So we went to a small study room. We sat down at the small, round table.

None of us said something for about three, maybe four minutes. But just when I was going to open my mouth, Tina started to cry. Our eyes met and I we hugged each other hard and caring. She cried, and cried and said she was sorry. And I tried to console her as much as I could.
- Lisa I love you so much! She sobbed.
- I love you to darling! I answered and kissed her forehead.

Tina told me everything, and I found out that it wasn’t just the lipstick she had taken. She had pinched a lot other things. Tina told me that it had started about an year ago, at the mall when she was there with Cassidy, another friend of ours. They had decided that they should pinch some candy in a store there. They did, and Tina said it felt good to do something that had given her a kick. So she kept on doing it, and now she couldn’t stop! We didn’t do a thing with our essay, and after the English class we went home to mine, and talked all afternoon and almost all the evening. Tina told me she had tried to stop, but that it was impossible, and now she had felt terrible for a long time. So we decided to see a psychologist.

After a month Tina was much better! She had been seeing a psychologist called Dr. Comery, and she had worked wonders with Tina! So now everything is good, and we are really living our life’s!

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