The evil Doll

Caroline 2005-01-10


One day when Sarah would turn 4, her grandmother gave her a doll for present. The doll was very special, it had pink eyes. Sarah liked that doll very much.
She carried the doll wherever she was.
One morning when Sarah woke up, she had scars all over her body, her parents thought it was the new cat that had done it. But they were wrong.
Sarah kept play with the doll, just as usual.
One afternoon when she had been playing with the dog and the doll in the garden, she noticed that her hair was falling off. She felt scared. She ran inside to her parents, and they took her to the doctor. But he could not find anything wrong with her, so they went back home.
In the evening when Sarah was going to bed, she heard somebody whisper, but she was the only one in her room, besides the doll. She looked at it and saw its eyes shine.
She started to feel nervous, she took the doll and locked it into a wardrobe. Then she got to sleep.
When Sarah woke up, her parents were packing. The whole family was going to grandma.
When they arrived, grandma asked Sarah where her doll was. But she did not answer. She didn’t say a word for the whole time. Her grandma understood that something was wrong, but she could not make Sarah speak.
Next morning they had to go home.
When they got home, Sarah saw that her wardrobe was open, and remembered that she had put the doll in there, and locked it. But the doll was not there.
When she was downstairs telling her parents, they heard a scream. They saw the doll running down the stairs. It chased them out of the house.
The house was burning, and the doll chased them with a knife. She killed all of them, and laughed!!

Av: Cizzi och Carro 9D

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