
Tova & Jaqueline 2005-01-10


Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Stripperella. She lived at the second floor above a nightclub. Stripperella’s stepmother didn’t agree with that Stripperella should work at the nightclub as a stripper. But her two older stepsisters already worked there. Stripperella was jealous at her two sisters. She wanted to work there to.
Stripperella’s dad was an alcoholic and he was never at home, he was out and drinking with his friends.
Stripperella worked for her stepmother at home as a cleaner. Her stepsisters and stepmother was mean and let Stripperella do everything they didn’t want to do by themselves.

At Friday morning Stripperella went out to get the post. She found a letter addressed to her stepsisters from the castle. She was curious and opened it. The letter said:

‘’Hello, next week my son is going to marriey his fiancée next week. We’re going to arrange a stag party for him tomorrow night (Saturday). And we want all the strippers to be there at ten a clock and strip for him.
Best wishes King Arthur’’

Stripperella took the letter and gave it to her two sisters. They were very happy. They screamed, jumped and said that they were going to the castle and seduce the prince. And go to bed with him. But what is a strip night in the castle?! It could be awful and boring and totally, totally wonderful.

Saturday two hours before they were going to the stag party:
Stripperella was in her room, and did her make-up, because she had decided to go to the stag party anyway. Then she remembered that she just had one strip costume and it wasn’t very sexy. It covered the whole body. She went to the wardrobe, to look at the strip costume. But when she opened the wardrobe she saw that it was almost nothing left of the costume, made of black leather. It was only like a top and a small skirt. Then she remembered that she had forgotten her Cheese Doodles in her pocket. The rats must have been there and eaten on the costume.

But it was a long way to the castle, almost 10 km. She went out and hitchhiked. After 10 minutes a Jaguar stopped, it was her neighbour. He told her that he had won on horses, and if she would like he could give her lift.
30 minutes later was she there. He told her that he would pick her up twelve a clock.
She went in and there in the middle of all strippers she saw the prince. The prince saw Stripperella in her short skirt. And Stripperella started to strip for him. He couldn’t say a word, he was so fascinated of her.
Her stepsisters saw her and they got very jealous.
They stripped all night, and the clock was almost twelve. But she didn’t look at the clock. When the clock said ‘’ding dong’’ she remembered that her neighbour were going to pick her up at twelve a clock. So she ran away. When she was running down the stair, she slipped, and her heel on her left shoe did break. She saw the car and jumped in. And they drove away. When she was looking in the back mirror she saw the prince standing there on the stair and he held her heel in his right hand. She could her him scream ‘‘can I get your phone number?’’
The next morning she waked up of hearing voices in the kitchen. She dressed up, and went down to the kitchen. And there she saw the prince. He told her that he was looking for the girl who stripped for him all night long yesterday. All he got was a broken heel of her black skin boots. He had been looking all over the city and this was the last place. No other had a broken shoe were the heel fitted. And yesterday he was so drunk so he didn’t remember her face. He asked if any girl on this nightclub had loose her heel. Nobody did have a broken shoe. He was just to leave when he ran in to Stripperella. And she saw the heel in his hand and she said “that’s main”. He smiled and said to her “you’re the girl I’m looking for”. He gave her a big wet kiss and they lived happily ever after.

Now Stripperella have her one strip club in the basement under the castle. And she have given birth to two babies. Their name is Stripp and Ella.

The End

Av: Tova & Jacqueline

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