
Frida 2005-01-10

White roses fits in a wedding
Black roses fits in a burial
Pink roses fits in your home
But red roses fits in your heart

Red is the colour for love
Red is the colour for blood
Red is the colour for brave
Red is the colour for fight
Red is the colour of your heart…

In your soul sits everything
That has happened in your life
Every wound has get from a wound
To a scar in your soul
But many beautiful things
Can you find in a soul
All memories are there
When you start school
All your friends you had
When you where small
All good and bad things is there
You can hide it if you want or
Tell everybody about it
But some things you can’t tell about
Things who is near your heart
Some people hide everything they have in there soul
They just closed the door to freedom
And won’t opened it again…

You only have one life
You only have one life to live
And you have to look after that
You’re living it to 100%
Because you only have one chance
In your life
To get it to your life
Just like you want it
To do whatever you want
So live your life to
100% please

To be a teenage
You can’t give up after a while
Then you lose
The Big game you have to win
The game is a running game
And if you win you get big
And that is all teenagers dream…

Frida Emilsson 9d

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