Astrid Lindgren

Michael & Viktor 7B 2006-04-05

Astrid Lindgren was born on the 14th of November in 1907.
She has written many famous books for example Pippi Långstrump and Emil i Lönnerberga. She had a brother called Gunnar Ericsson. Astrid has been awarded many times. She grown up in Småland on a farm near Vimmerby.  The first book she published was "Britt-Marie lättar sitt hjärta",  it was a girl book. The first Pippi Långstrump book came out in 1946. She has also written "Alla barnen i Bullerbyn" and "Nils Karlsson Pyssling". She lived in Stockholm mostly of her life. Astrid Lindgren died in 2002 in Stockholm. Peoples all over the world mourned her. She became 95 years old.

This is Pippi Långstrump.
This is Pippi Långstrump.