Dear Hanna

Leicy 2006-05-15

Hello my name is Leicy I am 10 years old, I live in Newark NJ. I go to Sussex Avenue School and I am in the 5th grade, and I like to learn more things than I use too to get my education better. Do you go to school to get your education? Cause I do, and at Sussex I have friends, do you? I like candy; I like all kinds of candy and did you know that there is a candy called Sweden and I love that candy it is so good and it is named after were you live in, and did I mention I like crispy chicken. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers and I have four niece and nephew. Every season we celebrate the holiday that is coming up like Christmas, thanks giving day, and we celebrate it by gathering all of my family, pray be thankful for a very special holiday and another way is to having parties and celebrating in a good way. I have birds one is called puty, another is called le-le, another is called James, another is called Lucy another is called jenny. Do you have birds or pets cause they sure are marvelous and if you don’t have brothers and sisters you won’t be bored and you can feel like there part of your family and let me tell you I love my pets so much that I almost had a heart attack when one of my birds died and I sure love animals so much like that. I have a collection of Bratz those dolls have passion for fashion those dolls are expensive here at Newark. Do you collect stuff? I here lots of music like R&B and all kinds of music I like all kinds of music but the thing I could tell you is that all type of hip hop music is the best over here that the kind of music we hear the most. Do you have music that you like to hear the most? If you do, could you tell me if you like to hear it or not
Over there you like to hear the most? If you do, could you tell me if you like to hear it or not? Any way can you tell me how do music sound over there. Can you send a picture of your family?