Bristol Murder

Malin 2007-04-17

Bristol Murder is a book is written by Philip Prowse and the book is about a boyand he’s name is peter Jones and he is 22 years old. He is a lorry driver.
One day he got a jobb to drive to Manchester and on the way it was a boy who hitchiked. Peter stopt and asked the boy wher he’s was going
The boy answer that he didn’t now. Peter said that he would go to manchester and that he culd drive him ther.
The boy’s name was Jhon stevens and he was 16 years oldand live in Bristo. Earlyier that samy day had Peter heard on the radio that the police was looking for a boy about 16 and the boy had killed hi’s uncle.
Later in the day haf peter heard that it was Jhon they was looking fpr.
Peter an John talked and then peter ask’t way john had ran awy and that was becurse he and he’s uncle had a fight last nihgt and john had smached he’s uncle and after that he rand awy. Peter had decided that he would help john, becaurse they became very good friends.
As they were trying to find the killer a lot of exciting things happens.
The book wasd good because it was exciting