Global warming

Sofia 8B 2007-05-10

I feel concerned about the global warming. I really do. Because I don’t think that the the scientists have wrong thoughts about this big issue.

We can’t wait to do something later because it is happening right now. So what can we do?This big question came to me with other problems in my life. For me this is a big problem. I feel so scared. Probably because earlier I didn’t know what could happen. But now I know and I’m going to do what I can do. Because when I’m old, I want to sit down in my house and see the snow falling down from the sky, four days before Christmas! It hasn’t happened for ages.

Sometimes I wonder if everyone is thinking like me. If there is someone else who wants to change their habits. I have started to cycle to school, instead of taking the school bus. But then I get thoughts, thoughts like “It doesn’t help the world that I cycle, it just helps me. Then I think it’s hopeless, the school bus is still going. So what can the bus drivers do to help our world? Couldn’t the busses use some other fuel?

I watched the news yesterday and they were talking about the busses. They thought that every bus should use something more environmental-friendly fuel. Some busses have all ready started and the community which is the best one is our capital, Stockholm. None of our communities in Småland have started yet. Then I got a new thought. Don’t they understand? We have to do something!

What I mean, is that you can’t give up when you haven’t tried anything. I know that people’s way of living has changed a lot. When we started the theme about global warming at school, we first watched a film. I was quite shocked when I saw all the countries that, maybe in 100 years, aren’t there anymore because of the water, the floods. When I came home I started to nag at my mother and say  - 'Don’t have the lights on in the rooms that you aren't in'. I started to ask if we couldn’t change the ordinary light bulbs to low energy bulbs. But many in my family do not believe in this, and I can’t believe them. At school I looked in a newspaper. They showed me which parts in Sweden that are under water in about 100 years, and one of these parts is the area where I’m living. I think that is why I’m so scared - that this will come true.

I hope that we can change something, because we all just have one planet. We can’t move anywhere if we want to. And if we want to change something, we have to help each other and it has to happen right now!