One moment in life

Tobias Vigertsson 2008-02-11

We had decided to live in my ”timber house” in the vacation and I, Jimmy, Pontus and Anton were going to sleep in there to the following day. In the morning on the decided day Pontus called me and me and asked me if he could come a bit earlier than the others. I thought it was a great idea. And Pontus came in to me after about an hour. After we had put together the x-box we drove to jimmy to pick him up. He didn’t come out so we went inside. When we came in to his house he was playing games and he was just about to pick his things up. When he said he was ready we walked to the car and put his things there. But when we were going to leave he noticed that he had forgotten his sleeping bag so he went inside again. But when he came out again he didn’t have his sleeping bag with him. So we drove home and started to play x-box. When Anton came he went up to my little brother and played “FoF”. But after a while he came out and played with us instead. We played Halo 3 and it was really fun. We even came out with a new way to play it. Both players are running towards each other and the player who falls loses. We played it in that way for many hours. But when the clock was six or seven, we ordered pizza. It was really good but Anton and me was so full up that we nearly couldn’t sleep. That night my stomach really hurt and it felt like I had exercised. When I woke up, Jimmy and Pontus were already awake. They were playing on the x-box and talked a bit with each other. I put my clothes on and started to make breakfast. When we were eating bread and milk Anton’s mother came. He had to go home but jimmy and Pontus stayed a bit longer. The new game we had come up with was named “chicken run”. We had bin up until 3 o’clock so I was really tired. In the rest of the day my stomach hurt. I thought it was all the candy and pizza.