Swedish food

Albin S 9B 2008-04-27

I have read the letter about Czech food and made a comparison between Swedish and Czech food.

In Czech school you have school canteens, we have that too. But when you go there you said that you must pay for the food. But here in Sweden we go to the canteen and eat and we don’t have to pay for the lunch. But our parents work and pay taxes that are used for free education with free school lunches so in that way our parents already have paid for the lunches. Some typical school meals in our school are potatoes, fish, pasta and meatballs for example. You told us that you have soup every day in your school. We have soup too but not so often. We have soup once a week and sometimes just one time every two weeks. One difference between our countries is the dumplings. Swedish dumplings are with pork and onion in the potato mixture. Your dumplings are just potato mixture, isn’t it? I think it’s good that they serve dumplings in your school. Dumplings are really good. But I don’t know really how it tastes without pork and onion. We don’t get dumplings so often in our school but sometimes it happens. You liked Chicken with rice and Swedish students do that too. In our school we like hamburger a lot but we don’t have it so often. One meal we don’t have so often is pizza but pizza is very good I think. Fish in our school is not so appreciated. You said that your bread in Czech is dark and made of lots of seeds. Here in Sweden we have both light bread and dark bread. Some people like light bread and some people like the dark bread more. In our homes everyone cooks the food but in your country your mother cooks the food. I think that is bad because everyone could cook and it can be fun to do it. At home we eat different food but we try to eat healthy food. Sometimes when we don’t want to cook we call the pizzeria and take home a pizza. The pizzas here are really good. You said something about home economics, that only the girls have it in your school. Here in our school both boys and girls have home economics and that is good so everyone learns to cook and take care of the house. Our restaurants serve many different dishes too but it is much pork, fish and chicken of course. Our traditional food here in Sweden are meatballs, pancakes, fried herring and dumplings with pork and onion for example.