Plastic Surgery

Amy Thomas 2011-11-20

I think we all shouldn't be so judgmental against people who choose to improve their looks.
If I was born with a huge nose and I felt ugly and bad about myself because of it, I'd probably get it fixed.

In my opinion, if someone has been working out alot, but still can't get the fat burned, they should totally get a liposuction. Only if they want to of course. I’m not saying that I support plasticsurgery, but I do however understand if some people do it.
Things that we really can’t make a difference about I can understand why people get it fixed.
But if a person goes through an operation to fix something that’s not even ‘’wrong’’ I think it’s stupid. I mean, why spend a lot of money at getting rid off some wrinkles that doesn’t even exist?
To summer up all my opinions I would say it like this:
If you can’t change something about yourself, have it fixed. But only if it’s what you really want.
Don’t get something fixed if you can do it by yourself with a little effort.