Prao at stuk

Emilia Tavridis 2011-10-14

The jeans that are hanging outside.
The jeans that are hanging outside.

The good thing about my job was that I met so many new people. And now I also know how it feels to work on a clothing store. First I always thought that it was easy and that I didn't have to do so much. But it was really interesting and fun also I learned how to put the price markers on, and also put the alarm on the clothes.

The bad thing was that my legs hurt so much. When I came home I had so much pain. I just sat down. Another thing was that I did the same thing alot. But either way it was really good and fun. All the people there were very nice, so I had fun.

I remember my first day. I woke up in the morning was a little tired because I went to bed late the day before. But I woke up ate some breakfast, put my lenses on and looked out the window it was rainy. The way to the job went quickly. When I get there the worst thing was waiting for me it was the vacuum cleaner... After 45 min sweat, I was done! After I started to put the alarms and the price markers on the clothes, and later we got many new arrivals, so I started to pack up all of the clothes and make a check list if everything was right. It was most jackets for the winter that came so my hands got all dirty after some medium that was on the jacket.

The day ended fast and it was time for me to go home. When I came home my legs hurt so much. Later I was so hungry so my daddy made me some good pasta with meatballs. I just sat down ate the food and enjoyed when my legs were resting. The day was interesting new and fun. At least I was prepared for the next day.

I wouldn’t like to have this as my job because I think it is too much like doing the same thing all the time. I can’t be happy and smiling all the time after so hard work. My hands hurt so much, my legs wore so tired of walking all day. It isn’t my type of job. So no I don’t want this as my future job.