Working experience at Elektrotekniska Byrån.

Saskia Lange 2011-10-14

Working experience at Elektrotekniska Byrån, a store selling lamps.
I had never done my prao at any kind of store before, so it was all pretty much a new experience. I learnt a lot of things, I worked pretty hard. I got to learn how the number of costumers may vary depending on the weather, how much rubbish you have to throw away from all the packaging of the new goods, to check off the new articles that had come on packlists etc. Also, this was a somewhat special shop, one providing service and specified help to it’s customers about lightning installation. Everyone who worked there were proffesionals at thier job.
The very best times at my prao was probably when I had many things to do, like when there was a lot of new things that had been ordered to pack up, and the times when i got to build things. Like rigging up lamps, and connecting wires. It was a bit boring somtimes however, when there was nothing for me to do. Especially on the more rainy days when there were few customers, or the days with no deliveries. One day, there was a stop in the drain and I had to go buy salicyric acid to dissolve it. Another thing that happened was that I got to draw a image to show how a lamp was supposed to be used. The whole time there, I was a bit worried to break one of the valuable lamps, so I am really happy none of that happened. I also got pretty tired when I finished work every day since i had been walking a lot, carrying cardboard boxes with important things in them. Oddly, nothing other special happened during the whole prao period.
The third day at my prao was really intense compared to the two other earlier ones. The day started normally; I went up about 8am, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and lurked in my apartment for about an hour. Then I walked the five minutes it took to get to the place of my prao. The first thing I got to do that day was to throw away the garbage for the first time. There was a lot of junk to carry to the refuse chamber, and I got helped by one of the staff. Then I put the spotlights I had organized the day before in a store-room, and after that, I had to refill the rolls of cables out in the shop. A bit later, a delivery had come and I had to bring the goods to the store, unpack it and sort it out in the store for sale. I was half-finished doing this when I went on a lunch-break at 12am, and finished the other half when I returned an hour later. More things where also delivered, like some lampscreens. I worked an hour with putting price-tags on them, place them on a shelf, and order the other lampscreens. Then I walked up in the office, drank some tea, ate a fruit, and read some papers about LED-lamps. just before I left and went home.
The truth is, I liked this kind of work pretty much, You get to solve problems, and specialize in something you like. You got to be a lot more creative than if you were to work at a place like Hemköp, and you get to do a lot of things. I wouldn’t mind working in a place like Elektrotekniska Byrån.