My work experience at Göteborgs GG Hund och Katt

Hanna Cervak 2011-10-23

Hunden Hildur
Bild:Hanna Cervak
Hunden Hildur

My prao was a very funny and memorable experience. I met some really friendly people and customers. I had my prao at a little shop called “Göteborgs GG Hund och Katt”. It´s a pet store that lies on Vegagatan. During the two weeks I was there I learned how to wash dogs, how to work in a shop and how to receive customers, although I didn´t stand at the counter.

When I washed my first dog/customer Tina and Ylva, the ladies who worked at the trim, taught me how to do it: Shampoo the dog carefully and take a lot of shampoo. Then wash away the shampoo thoroughly and wipe the dog dry in a towel. Then blow the dog dry with the help of a sort of giant hair dryer. My supervisors´ names were Sandra and Zara. They were two young women and they both were really nice to me. They both had blond hair and blue eyes. I spend most of the time with Sandra, because Zara´s dog fell badly one day the first week and hurt her hip. A good thing about my prao was just the people. They were nice and easy to chill with. We laughed much, which was fun. It was fun with all the animals too. Tina and Ylva didn´t work every day, but when they did, lots of dogs came to cut and wash their fur. Once I got to cut a poodle! One bad thing at my prao was that there sometimes was nothing to do. The air was bad too and it gave you a headache. One day I sat on a kind of freezer, and then I was told to jump down in front of a customer. It wasn’t so embarrassing, but I think I got a little red in my face.

I don’t want to work in a shop. I can maybe see myself working in a shop a very, very short while when I study, to get some money, but certainly not permanent. It's definitely not what I want to work with. It got boring quite quickly. But I had a great time when I was there and I think it was a good choice for a work experience. The second week was more fun. It was more to do and I had started to know the ones that worked there.

One day I woke up at eight o’clock in the morning, ate breakfast, fixed me in the bathroom and went to work at ten. I walked the short way up the small hill. The first thing I usually did was to hang off my outwear. After that I did some candy bags to the animals. I carried in some products and price marked them, I washed and cut some dogs fur and took them out for a walk. At most I walked with four dogs at the same time! Around one o’clock I had my lunch break for 45 minutes. In the afternoon I went to threw some garbage in the garbage room around the corner of the building. I cleaned a little and did some other stuff during the last couple of hours of my workday. Then my day ended. When I got home I watched a little TV and had my football training at Majvallen. It was one and a half hour long. When I got home I showered, watched some more TV and cooked dinner with my mum. I played and cuddled with my cats and then wrote in my “diary” for the prao. After that I went to my bed, read a book and fell asleep. The next day it all started over again. I wondered what I was going to do that day.