Breaking new!

Victor Axelsson 2012-03-08

It was Chrissie’s 16th birthday and she hosted a party without letting her parents know. The party ended up with a stolen camera, purse, glasses and a trashed car.

It was a Saturday night and Chrissie, 15, hosted a party for her 16th birthday. The party went on, but at 11 o’clock some unknown people appeared. “They looked dodgy” she said while describing the unknown people. They went in and joined the party. Ten minutes later Chrissie went upstairs and saw that her sister’s bedroom door was open. There she found one of the “dodgy guys” going through all of her things, when he noticed she saw her he pushed her aside and went downstairs. Chrissie actually caught him but the boy said he hadn’t taken anything, but when she went back up she noticed that some things was missing, for example 70 pounds from her wallet. He had also unwrapped her birthday presents. When she went down again the unknown people was gone.

The next morning
The next day her parents came home. She didn’t tell them anything because she was worried that she would get in trouble. Her mother noticed that her sister’s car keys were missing. “I went cold, I knew those guys had taken them, but I was convinced that I could track them down” she said. The next day, 2 days after the party, her dad woke her up. He saw that the sister’s brand new car was missing. They called the police and they found the car. It was trashed and had cigarette burns on the seats. Chrissie got grounded but the police has now 3 suspects that seems guilty for the crime.