Styrelsen beslöt att kandidera om ridef 2016 

David Almlöf 2012-07-30

Den svenska kandidaturen till att arrangera internationellt
Freinetmöt har fått mycket god respons. Vi har därför bestämt oss 
För att satsa för fullt inför tisdagens omröstning på 
General assembly. Dvs årsstämman i internationella freinetrörelsen FIMEM

Official proposal from the Swedish movement Freinetrörelsen i Sverige – Kooperativet Arbetets Pedagogik (KAP)
Since the GA –meeting last Wednesday – the Swedish group on the RIDEF has got a lot of responses about the Swedish proposal of arranging the RIDEF in 2016. In Sweden we had a telephone meeting today including the chairman of the Swedish movement, Inger Nordheden. We see that a Swedish arrangement could strength the FIMEM in some ways that will be very useful in the future. So our new suggestion is to let Benin wait until 2018 and take the advantage of comming after us. The CA will get more time to visit Benin which increase the possibilities of having a really good RIDEF in Benin, like the one in Senegal.
In our proposal we haven’t yet decided which city in Sweden it will be, but it will be one with tight connection to one of the Swedish Universities. We are especially looking at the two biggest cities - Stockholm and Gothenburg. Örebro, situated between them, is a smaller alternative. We have to be within the economic frames of accomodation, given by FIMEM.
Several members in the present Swedish Freinet movement, and in the past, work at the Swedish universities and have had an influence on Swedish teachers education, on Swedish politics of education and accordingly on the content of the Swedish curriculum. We want to show the academic researches which have been done to explore how Freinet inspired pedagogy develop children to become confident, expressive youngsters, prepared to be a part of the society, politics or just realize their individual dreams.
As a draft for a theme of the FIMEM we want to call it “communication”.
As was written in el Periodico, the Freinetschools in the region of Stockholm use Socratic discussions as a tool of open minded thinking and communication. The former chairman of KAP, Ann S Pihlgren, has made a thesis about this at the University of Stockholm. The report is called “Socrates in the classroom”.
The present chairman, Inger Nordheden has done her researches about teaching immigrants. You’ll find a list of her books on the Swedish homepage
Another subject under the theme of communication, is the digital way of publishing. Since ten years we have developed the editory work with the children. No Limit is one of the platforms for this, presented on the RIDEF in Metepec 2008 ( A demo of a FIMEM newspaper online were created this way at the RIDEF in Metepec to show how it works. ( ;
On a Swedish RIDEF we want the particpants to train hard on beeing skillfull publishers with the digital equipments, so that the RIDEF:s naurally can continue online between the fysically RIDEF:s. That means working with the co operation parts of the officially  FIMEM-platform, and with other digital tools on the Internet. 
Useful tools can be Webnews, Youtube, Dropbox, Skype, Facebook, Twitter etc. 
We also want to show the alternatives to the tools of the commercial companies – those with open source code like Open office.
In the workshops we want to give many creative alternatives in artistic expressions. We want to find a balance between discussions on the RIDEF and to work practically.
The last item in the theme of communication is the matter of translations. We will try to solve the translation problem with modern equipments as headsets and continueously translations. 
So we ask the General of Assembly of the RIDEF in León to give the Swedish movement the commission of organizing the RIDEF 2016 in Sweden.
Freinetrörelsen i Sverige –Kooperativet Arbetets Pedagogik (KAP)
Inger Nordheden
David Almlöf
Mia Vävare
Marita Juntti
Vera Myrstedt        
Signed by the Swedish representant of the GA:
Vera Myrstedt