The Asian disaster

Andreas 2005-03-01

The first thing I heard on Christmas day on the TV was about the disaster in Asia.
I couldn’t realise how big it was, they talked about 2000-3000 dead humans.
Of course I understood it was serious, but people die all the time.
Next day when I switched on the TV the official number of dead people was 50 000.
I was shocked, it couldn’t be true I thought I was dreaming.
I knew some people who were in Thailand when the waves came, but they where out with a boat and they didn’t feel the wave.
So they where shocked when they came back to the mainland.
The small islands were almost gone and the mainland was totally destroyed 20 kilometres from the shore.
I think the Swedish government was a little bit slow to help the people in Asia, but probably they didn’t realise how big it was just like everyone else.
But I still think they could have work faster, because Sweden was the last country to send them help, even if we had more people there then most of the other countries.
The best way to help, is to send them some money. If everyone give them just a little off there own it would help a lot.
I think it would take many years to build up the land again.
And even longer to build up the economy. But I still think people will go there again, because it’s a beautiful land.