Injustice in the World

David 2005-03-01

All around the world today, there’s injustice, in the Middle East, where terrorists and Americans and their meaningless fighting are tearing the lands apart.
And the women in the Middle East, who have to be married away to strangers just because heir fathers think it’s a fine man.
And all those people in Asia who even before the Asian Disaster were poor and homeless, and now they have lost their families and their only properties.
And just like in Europe in the 1700:th the women in Asia and Africa still don’t have the same worth as the man. It’s very unusual that a woman has a work.
That’s injustice in my eyes, but the world has always been a hard place, but when the kids in Africa go up after a night’s sleep, they don’t go to school like we, they go to the work. (And while our kids are angry because they have to go to school, the kids I most of the African countries goes to work). A work when they work just as much as the adults. In dirty and warm conditions, when they should be inside and learn things, but those countries that have to have kids working for them, are poor and don’t have any other choice.
I think that all the troubles in Africa started in the 1700:th, when the Americans came and started to capture the African people as slaves, when that happened the balance was interrupted, so many people were taken away and many white people came to Africa.
The white people used the land like it was there, and soon they had made the Black people in Africa extremely poor and in need of food.
I think that we have to be blamed by the African people, and now when it’s too late, we are trying to rebuild the world.
These are my thoughts.