Celeste, a game about climbing a mountain

Ågge Hallin 2021-12-09

A platformer where you climb a mountain, meet your evil doppelgänger and collect strawberries, all at once, how is this possible?

Celeste is a platformer with cute pixel graphics, tight gameplay, great soundtrack and brutally hard obstacles.

The game starts out with the player named Madeleine and with two mechanics, a wall climb and a dash, the first chapter starts out easy but then throws momentum jumps at you. After this the game’s difficulty follows a gentle curve until chapter 3. 

The game consists of different screens with obstacles, the beginning of these screens acts as checkpoints, so you don’t have to worry about progress loss at all.

One thing you do have to worry about is the main villain, an evil doppelgänger of you with magic abilities.

The first time you meet your evil clone is in chapter 2, The first thing you see is some solid, black blocks that look to have a special ability but they act like normal. After some screens of normal gameplay, you encounter a mirror. When you walk up to said mirror, you see your doppelgänger. The screen flashes white and the strange blocks from before get dots of color in them, this activates a cool mechanic involving dashing through these space blocks.

After some screens of this you encounter the doppelgänger mentioned before and a chase sequence starts.

After this chapter the evil clone, called “Part of me” by the game and “Badeleine” by the community plays a part in every chapter, trying to stop you.

The game progresses through the chapters, tossing new mechanics at you all the time, and when you think you’re done with the game, you find out about the b-sides, c-sides and two bonus chapters, which are brutally difficult. 

When you’re done with the main game, you could start speedrunning it, since it is very speedrunner friendly, with lots of hidden mechanics. You could also play a custom chapter, there is an entire modding community who creates new things with an unofficial level editor.

In conclusion, Celeste is an extremely fun platformer with amazing graphics, tight controls and tons of collectibles.

 Highly recommended, 9/10.