Rules in school
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2006-01-23

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Totalt 9 kommentarer « Visa hela artikeln
9. My school rules
Av Anton svensson 2006-02-03 10:23

1: No fights are allowed in school
2: No yelling is allowed in the classroom
3: No Bulling is allowed in the school
8. school rules!
Av sanna 7B 2006-02-03 10:22

School Rules!

·You should not bully other people.

·You must not throw snowballs in the school yard.

·No fighting in the classrooms and in the school yard.

·You should be friendly everyone.
7. Rules in school....
Av Sofie 7B 2006-02-03 10:19

* You must not throw snowball in the school yard.

* You should not bully other people.

* You should not tease each other.
6. My school rules
Av Josefin 7B 2006-02-03 10:15

1.No fighting at the schoolyard, classrooms or in the corridors either.

2.Talk to each other friendly, don’t use ugly words.

3.Don’t make noise while the teachers are talking or somebody else is talking.

4.Keep it clean in the corridors and the classrooms.
5. Rules
Av Viktor 7b 2006-02-03 10:12

Rules. 1 No fighting is allowed in the school.
2 You should always be nice.
3 We should respect all people.
4. Rules
Av Anonym från 7b 2006-02-03 10:11


1. Do not fight with each other.

2. Do not throw snowballs.

3. Don’t shout at each other.
3. My school rules
Av Albin svensson 7B 2006-02-03 10:10

My rules

1.No fighting is allowed in our school.
2.No talking in the lessons.
3.No bullying is allowed in our school.
2. Rules in school
Av Malin Karlsson 7b 2006-02-03 10:08

1. No fighting is allowed at school
2. No bullying is allowed at school
3. No littering is allowed at school
1. Rules
Av Sarah 7b 2006-02-03 10:04

Rules in School
1. No fighting is allowed at school.
2. If your are in the classroom in the breaks you have to be quit.
3. No bullying is tolerated

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