What makes a good teacher?
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2006-01-23

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Totalt 13 kommentarer « Visa hela artikeln
13. A good teacher should be like this!
Av Emrik "kung" Lundström 2006-02-15 11:23

A teacher should be very nice and should talk and joke a lot with the students....
12. This is a good teacher
Av N.E 2006-02-15 11:12

I think some teachersare good and some teachers are less good. I think a good teacher should be very nice and quite funny.
11. Makes a good teacher.
Av Cajsa7d 2006-02-10 11:49

They schould not have a favourite student. They has to be nice,honest,fun,good and fair.
That is what i think makes a good teacher.
10. What makes a good taecher.
Av adam 2006-02-10 11:47

1. he/she must have control of the kids.
2. he/she must be funny.
3. he/she must be nice.

9. good Teacher
Av William Kinberg 7D 2006-02-10 11:45

A good teacher
A good teacher should be nice a little funny but also a little strict sometimes. A Good teacher should respect all the student and don’t have any favourite student.
8. What makes a god teacher
Av Anton Svensson 2006-02-10 10:17

A good teacher should be nice to the students and really know the subjects that it teaches the students and not so I meant learn not them wrong. But she/him should just read out some book. Learning should be fun
7. What makes a good teacher?
Av Malin 7b 2006-02-10 10:11

I think that some are good but not everybody. A good teacher schould be nice and friendly. They schould not have a favourite student,They also must listen to everybody. and they schould not be late to lesseons the
6. WHAT maks a good teacher
Av Anonym 7b 2006-02-10 10:03

I think this about teachers. They should listen to their student more. But often they are good. They should interested in their students and are nice to them.
5. a good teacher.....
Av Anonym 2006-02-10 10:02

1. a good teacher sould take care of the students.
2. Everybody should get that help they need.
3. they must be nice.
4. they must listen to everybody.
4. What makes a good teacher
Av Emil .s 7b 2006-02-10 10:02

I think that teachers always will try to do their best, that is important. A good teacher tries to be nice and fair. She/he soesn't have any favourite students.
3. A good teacher
Av Anonym 2006-02-10 10:01

A good teacher should take care of the students.
Everybody should have that help they need.
The teachers must be nice.They must listen to everybody.
2. This is a good teacher
Av Viktor L 7B 2006-02-10 10:00

A teacher should be friendly and even. All pupils like when the teacher for example let the pupils five minutes before the break.
1. good teachers will be like...
Av student year7 2006-02-06 14:49

Good teachers can really teach the students great stuffs. They can make the students quiet, without screeming, but theres good if they are nice and funny to.

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