Av Anni 2006-02-02

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1. Greetings from the USA
Av Lisette 2006-03-16 15:11

Hi my name is Lisette and I’m 15 years old. I live in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA. I am a grade nine student at the Perth Amboy Tech High School. My class schedule has seven teachers for seven different classes. Our classes are 45 minutes long. We eat lunch in school. We go to school for over six and one half hours a day. We have to be at school by 8:45 am, but our first class starts at 9:00 and we finish school at 3:30 pm. My class doesn’t get much homework, but sometimes we might have homework in at least one class. In my school we all have a class that teaches us a certain trade (like a career). We can study Culinary Arts that teaches us how to become a chef, three different computers classes and other trade areas such as carpentry. I have Culinary Arts. It’s my first year at this school so right now I’m learning the basics of cooking. In school my favorite subject is history because it teaches you how to understand and respect other cultures.
I live in the state of New Jersey. Right now it is about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. It is nice and somewhat warm for this time of year in New Jersey. About a month ago it snowed here and we had about 24 inches! That was a lot of snow for our area. Because of the snow we did not have school. It rained here about three days ago.
Now I want to know about you!
What is popular in music in your town?
What kind of music do you listen to?
What do you do for fun?
Do you live in a small town, or in a big city?
What is your favorite type of food?
I hope you write back soon!!

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