My spare time
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2006-09-07

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15. My sparetime
Av hs1440 2009-03-31 13:28

On my freetime i mostly sit in front of my computer. On the computer I play games like CCS and Fiesta and Flyff. But I´m with my friends and do lots of other stuff.
14. Spare time ? ;D
Av ^^*detvillduinteveta*^^ 2008-09-25 11:45

Yes, I’m a sportsfreak.I play football but in my free time I look at TV or sit at the computer.
13. My spare time
Av Anonym 2006-10-03 08:54

In my spare time I like to read books and listen to music. Of course I watch TV, but I also play a lot on the computer. Because on the computer I have pets, not real pets. But they are cold neopets, I feed them and read books for them and I also play with them. In the summer I often go to the beach and swim. I really like to swim. Sometimes I take my dog out for a walk, and sometimes I let out my bunnies. In the winters I go to a stable in Gummebo. I take care of a horse named Renko. He is wonderful. But I don’t like riding.
He is white and brown, but he is not so big, the last time I saw him he was quite skinny. They also have a little horse named Pickmin, he is really cute. He is black and white.
I also have a job. I watch out a dog and a cat. The cat is mad but he is cut.
12. My spare time
Av tss 2006-09-15 09:49

In my spare time I hang out with my friends. We use to cycling around in Torsås. I have a moped. It is a Yamaha Fs1. It’s an old one.
11. My spare time
Av ma 2006-09-15 09:40

My spare time

I play football, floor ball and I mow my neighbour’s lawn and other people I know. I also ride my bike during the days. I play football in Torsås combination and I practise 2 days a week. I am forward. I often play the ball to my team mates and they goal.
10. My spare time
Av Elias 2006-09-15 09:38

My spare time

I play floorball and I like to drive mopeds in my spare time. Many of my friends drive motocross and I like to bicycle. I play floorball in a club called Flyers. I'm playing on the position back. It's fun to play floorball because it’s going so fast. I am pratice 2 days a week and 1 game at the weekend. Our floorball trainer names are Johan Ramvall,Viktor Svensson and Rober Ivarsson.
My best memory from a game is when I scored a goal when it was 3 seconds left of the game.
Our Team is not so successful because last season we were not so good. But I hope this season will be better. Every season we played against elder teams. They were 1 year older.

Elias 8A 20061915
9. My spare time
Av pao 2006-09-15 09:31

I´m at home . I watch TV. Some people here in Torsås play football, floor ball and drive moped and a-tracktor. They meet in TM. Tm is a youth centre. There you can play ping pong, pool, computer and basket.
8. My spare time!
Av TR 2006-09-15 09:20

I´m with my friends in Söderåkra and we ride our bikes and play a game on my computer. It´s called World of warcraft.
7. My spare time
Av D 2006-09-12 10:19

I am out walking and play footboll with my friends. I sleep in my bed. I help to stack the logs at home and I also play the guitar.
6. My spare time
Av Anonym 2006-09-12 10:14

In my spare time I play the guitar or I'm in Torsås with my friends. There we are out cycling. Many people meet at TM but I don´t. I think it´s a boring place to be.
5. Spare time
Av Anonym 2006-09-12 10:12

In my spare time I hang out with my friends in Torsås at T.M. T.M is a youth center. There we play basket and pool and sometimes we just sit talking with each other. In the summer I am with my cousins and drive our boat. It is a motorboat called Pyret. It is a ''västkusteka''. We also play fotball sometimes. We spend our time in Skäppevik in the summer.
4. My spare time
Av Anonym 2006-09-12 10:00

What do you do in your spare time?
I don´t know. I am with my friends. And we go to T.M. sometimes. T.M. is a youth centre.
3. My Spare Time!
Av Zingo 2006-09-12 10:00

I play fotball and I am together with my friends. I and my friends are at TM. It is a youth centre. I and my friend use to be in Torsås and talking with each other.
2. My spare time
Av Anonym 2006-09-08 09:50

In my spare time I go fishing and are out with my friends. I also train orienteering and listen to music (Rock). When I watch television I look at “BOBSTER” and nature movies.
1. Spare time
Av Anonym 2006-09-08 09:35

I am hanging out with my friends in Torsås at TM. I don't know where the other youngsters meet.

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