An Inconvenient Truth
Av Caroline Elnéus 2007-01-24

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14. Movie
Av Elisabeth 2007-04-05 14:43

The movie was good but not so fun to watch. Al Gore showed very many things that are going to happen if we don´t do anything. And it is happening right now. I remember when he talked about the iceberg. The iceberg are melting a little bit every day.
13. AN inconvenient truth
Av Albin :) 2007-04-03 13:30

The film was good. He showed very much things that is happening and what we can do about it. I think it's horibble that the tempature is going so high.
12. Al Gore's movie
Av Tobias 8D 2007-04-03 13:04

I think that he is right. We must react now before it is too late but I didn´t like the movie because it was so long and boring.
11. Our Planet!!!
Av Dajana 8d 2007-04-02 14:56

I was surprised and scared when we watched the movie about the climate.How the icebergs are melting and that the bears haven't anywhere to live.In the movie they showed how the frog can stay in a glass and doesn't feel anything. They can stay in the glass for a long time it's a little bit scary. I think to stop this we should take bus instead of the car and turn off the light when we aren't in the room or in the house. I think the planet well change if we dont't do anything about it.
10. It's Scary
Av Emma 2007-04-02 14:51

It’s scary that it gets warmer and warmer. Bigger parts of the world are coverd of water which comes from the Poles. I have heard that we can grow Bananas here in Sweden in 10 years. We most do something, and we most do it now!
9. The weather on our earth!
Av Ida Nilsson 2007-04-02 14:41

In one way it's good. We can lay in the sun and bath when we won't. We don't have to go outside the country an waste money on that. But in an other way it's very bad. For ex. in the desert it is very dry. and when the warm weather comes it will get drier. And nobody can live there. And our land will disappear. Because the polare ice is melting. So the sea level will get higher. And many animals will die. Like the icebears. And of course the snow won't come anymore. So our children maybe can't see the snow. Thats too bad!
8. Hej
Av Danne 2007-04-02 14:40

It depends on that we drive to much and letting out to much fuel. But now days they are making cars whit Metanol they dont letting out so much gas. But in a few yers i think this cars are going to pollute, but if we use energi saving laps and things like that i think we can fix this. if you just sort your garbage that helps allot to.
7. I think
Av Amanda i 8a 2007-04-02 14:34

I think that the world is going crazy. Why are we doing things that we know that is going to distroy our world? We just don´t think about it when we do it. Like flying for example. We are so exided when we are going away that we don´t about the enviroment.
6. Hej
Av Jonatan 2007-03-26 14:45

This movie was not so fun but it was good because many people don't know that the tempature is getting higher and that's bad. The scene that efected me most were the pictures on the glaciers that are melting. So i hope that everyone do something about the future. But I'm not very worried because I think that the earth is getting used to the hot weather.
5. HEj!
Av Daniel 2007-03-26 14:44

This movie shows whats going to hapen with the Global warming. He shows everything that will happen if we don't do something. But it was very long it had been much more intresting if the movie had been shorter. Many people don't think that this is going to happen if we don't do something but when they see this movie they must change their minds. I'm not worried about this because I think we can fix this. We don't have to use cars with oils so much.
4. An Inconvenient Truth
Av ViktorL8b 2007-03-26 14:41

This movie was very good. Al Gore wants to do something for the enviroment/climate.
I remember a frog in this film. When the frog was in the water he warmed up the water slowly. The frog didn´t react. But if we put the frog down in very warm water, the frog will react directly. This example compared Al Gore with the global effect. There were many things that scared me in this movie. E.G. The polarice. If it melts there won`t be any Polar bears left. I have thougt of this problem, but after this movie I have taken it much seriously
3. An inconvenient truth
Av Malin P 2007-03-19 14:59

I think it could be scary because some of the planet can disappear and the people will have nowhere to live. But if we do some things now, maybe it won’t go so far then. I think everybody can do something because everyone can turn off the lights when you aren’t in the room and many of us can take the bike or bus instead of the car. We could have low energy lamps instead of usual lamps.
2. Our Planet!
Av Malin B 2007-03-19 14:55

When I thinking of the future I get a little bit scared. Becaure we don’t know what will happen it the temprature get higher. And if the water will disappear. And I don’t think I want to know it either. But I hope we can fix this that the planet can go back to normal. In school we watched a movie and I remenber that they had photos on the glaciers before and today it didn’t loock good. If the glaciers disappear the ice bears are not going to have a place to live. And that’s sad. And I want to stop this. We have to stop this now. We can’t drive cars so much we can take the bus instead. We can stop use oil and cardon. And heat up our houses with wood instead. Only we can stop this.
1. An eye opener
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-02-28 10:19

I have watched the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” and it made a great influence on me. At first I felt a bit depressed because I couldn’t believe that we caused our Earth so much damage. Unfortunately, climate change is out there, the facts don’t lie.
Gore clearly explains the crisis that we are in for the coming years. He tries to open our eyes and makes us realise that we have to act now. We can’t do like the frog in the movie, just sit there in the boiling water waiting for someone coming to rescue us. We have to take actions …and we have to do it now.
So what can we do? I have to admit that I am one of the people mentioned in the movie that earlier has said: “How can one person make a difference”? But I have changed my mind. If each one of us do something is better than all are doing nothing. I believe that very small steps can make big differences. So let us work together to solve this problem. Everyone has to work, hand in hand.

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