Kenya - a different journey
Av Caroline Elnéus 2007-02-12

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5. Kenya-kriminalitet
Av Anonym 2007-02-16 09:58

Folket i Kenya vågar inte gå ut efter klockan sju på kvällen. Det var skillnad i storstaden. Där kunde man gå själv men inte i dom mindre byarna.
Av Anonym 2007-02-16 09:57

Det är nog inte många som åker till Kenya.
Men vi i vår klass fick höra på en föreläsnig av Johanna och hon berättade väldigt bra. Jag tyckte att det var intressant att höra om djuren i Kenya. Jag visste inte att t ex flod hästen var det farligaste djuret i Kenya. Sedan fick vi se bilder på andra djur som noshönig, giraff, våtsvin och babian.
3. School in Kenya
Av Anonym 2007-02-16 09:48

The school in Kenya is not so good because it is verry poor. And it’s hard there. But i think the teaching is good.
2. Kenya
Av Rune snickare 2007-02-16 09:47

The food in Kenya is drab. You eat one dinner in monday. Then you eat it all day. If you are lucky you can have another dinner.
1. Thanks Johanna!
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-02-15 18:34

Thanks Johanna for your visit in our Swedish/English class and your interesting lecture about Kenya. We learnt a lot from you. It is so interesting to listen to other people’s experiences in other countries. It makes you understand that Sweden is a good country to live in but also that we are quite spoilt here.
Johanna was in Kenya last autumn. She lived in the north-western part of Kenya, very near Uganda. She worked at a children’s home where there were many orphans, children who have lost their parents. She experienced a lot, both happy and tragically things. In Kenya there are many poor people. She told us that 10% of the population has 90% of all the resources in the country. Few people are very rich and all the others are very poor. There is no middle class like in Sweden. Everyday life differs a lot between the big cities and the villages in the country. Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, looks like any other big city in the world with skyscrapers, exclusive restaurants and people in expensive cars talking in their mobiles. But if you go some Swedish miles outside Nairobi you’ll meet all the poor people who live in rough villages in very simple houses. They have no electricity or running water. These houses have just one room where they do the cooking, sleep etc. Well, here they do everything. Criminality is very high here so people don’t go out at nights.
What did I think after having heard Johanna telling us about life in Kenya?
Well I think it is unfair that some people are born poor and have to go on living in poverty all their years. Many people in Africa can’t get enough to eat every day. These people are undernourished while many people in our country eat too much and get welfare diseases from that. That isn’t fair, is it?

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