Small steps make big differences
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-03-06

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Totalt 6 kommentarer « Visa hela artikeln
6. One person can't do everything but together we can do a lot!
Av Johan 2007-04-26 14:28

People say that o why should i switch lamps and why turn of the lamps when i'm leaving the room i't wont make that much difference but if everone do that we will actually save very mych of the nature;)
5. hejj hej
Av Danne 2007-04-17 13:17

I think that i can do many things to change the future for many people. We can reduce the car driving, and carbone discharge. If we can grow fruits and potatos, then we can do it instead of using mass transporting.
4. Small steps make big differences
Av Martina ;) 2007-04-16 14:46

I think that we’re going to get harder to find clean water, and I’m sure we’re not going to have all food we have now because we can’t import all food, not as much as we do now.
If we still want fruit we have to grow it in Sweden, in greenhouses.
And we don’t have to send a package of fish fingers to China just because we want them packed and later send them back to Sweden.
I think we should just pack them in Sweden.
3. Small steps make big differences
Av Lisa 8A -07 2007-04-03 16:50

I’m going to walk more so my parents don’t have to drive with the car all the time.
I can be more careful and not throw rubbish, like the papers that people throw out in the gardens and so on.
I can use the bike instead of using the moped. We can use energi saving lamps and we can
go together instead of go one and one in many cars. I can use less hot water. We can hang the clothes on a line instead of using a dryer
2. Tjabba
Av Jonatan 2007-04-03 13:38

I don't think that I could do something more about the future then I do.
1. Small steps
Av Emil S 8B 2007-04-02 09:26

Small steps make big differences.

I can start to switch of all lamps when I’m leaving a room. I can also buy eco-friendly products and energy efficient appliances. Recycle all products. Learn more about the environment so I can help more. Start to assist people with their environmental thinking.

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