Many students feel over-stressed
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-09-09

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8. Many stdents feel over-stressed
Av Pontus 9D 2007-10-05 13:45

Right now we have a lot of extra work that needs to be done. And on top of that I have football training and floorball training. Now in the 9:th grade our future jobs depends on how well we do in school. You must need more time to finish the work, then you feel a lot calmer.
7. Many students feel over-stressed
Av Viktor L 9B 2007-10-02 11:35

I am not stressed in school. It is more about how well you plan your time so you get over to interests.
I get stressed if I don`t know anything about what I should know but no one tells me. And I don't like when people tell me something a couple of hours before it will happen.
6. Answer to "Many students feel over-stressed"
Av 9B 2007-10-02 11:28

It's much pressure on students nowdays. You always want to improve yourself, in every way you can. Everybod has the pressure to fit in anf everyone is reaching for to be "perfect". It's a lot of tests and homework and sometimes you take more work than you actually can manage.

Yes, I feel pressure in school almost every day. You want to do your best all the time but sometimes you just can't. Then you feel so disappointed at yourself. It's always anexity over the grades, you always want to get higher grades so you can choose what program you want after school. I often get stressed before tests because I'm woried that if I don't get a good result on the test it's going to change my grades.

To improve this situation I think we need more information on what to do and for example have two days you can leave your homework. Maeby you wouldn't be so stressed if you choosed on your own what you needed to train on and take for homework. The enviorment in school must be peaceful and quiet so you can stay calm when you're studying in school.
5. Over-stressed
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:27

Today school is quite calm, and I don't feel overstressed. I don't feel over-stressed very mouch in school. But many people do, maby because they got alot of homework. I don't think you should homework every day
4. Overstressed!!??
Av Sjack 2007-10-02 11:24

I think that school nowadays isn't as tough as it was 20 or 30 years ago. But we can still fell pressure, that's because we are raised to be a bit more lazy. Many students say that they have so much homework and so many tests. The homework every day doesn't take more than 30 minutes and some people are even too lazy to try to do their homework. They just skip it and hope for the best. I have come over the phase when I get stressed. If it isn't enough time in school, i have a lot of sparetime I can use for stuff that i missed. I think we have a great school with many great teachers, it is just such a pity that we hasn't money enogh to do what is needed. I feel that I got a bit pressure in school, it's because I want to get better grades and certainly not get worse grades in a subject. But all that pressure comes ofcourse only from me and not from the teachers
3. Answer: Many students feel overstressed!
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:18

Today are the students very worried and tirded. I think it's because their health. They drink too much coca-cola and thinks like that. First they can't sit at their desks because they have so much energy and when all energy is gone they get tired again. If everybody has good health it would be so much better in the lessons. It's so more interesting in the lessons when everybody is quiet! Everything gets more interesting because you can fokus and learn much better. It's so funny when you understand everything!
2. Over stressed
Av anton 2007-10-02 09:44

I think school isgood today. The pressure can be hard someyimes. Some weeks there are many tests and that can be hard. I think there are too many tests. In my sparetime I play floorball and do my homework. We have not too much and not to small. I think they who are over-stressed have to high demands on themselves.
1. Over stressed students
Av cajsa 2007-10-02 09:42

Of course, it's different to go in the 5 th grade and in the 9 th grade. You don't have to worry about your grades so much in the 5 th grade. That's what I think. But in the 9 th grade it is very important to study very very hard so you can get a good future. I think this affect students. Maybe you skip your breakfast in the morning because you are to overstressed. You get very tired, and then you you can't work so good in the lessons. I think student's have to relax more. At home, in school, in the mornings. Maybe more time for the studies.

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