My dream school
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-09-09

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4. My own dream school
Av Albin 2007-10-02 11:35

In my dream school they have many breaks and good food. The lessons should be funny. The teachers should be nice to the students and be funny.
3. My dream school
Av ViktorL 9B 2007-10-02 11:26

My dream school should be like this:
No homeworks
The school day starts 9.00 and ends at 14.00
Very few tests
Funny lessons
Short lessons
The teachers shouldn't be pedantic
Ten students in a class, so everyone learn to know each other better.

It should be easier to go in school. And the students shouldn't be stressed in school.
2. Answer: My dream school!
Av Anni 9B 2007-10-02 11:24

My dream school would have 30 min walk every morning. Then I think everyone is well-prepared for av schoolday. If you do so every morning, I don't think anyone would protest. After lunch they would have 60 min yoga. The lunch should be good and healthy. The school must take more money to the food. less money would go to pencils and books. Everyone can buy their own books and then they would take care of them better!
1. My dreem school
Av Zeeqor 2007-10-01 10:41

If kids should have fun in school... I old like to do a perfect school that kids have fun and play alot... And I mean play alot!
When you have English you should play tv games and watch English tv with both English and Swedish text so that you learn the expressions and you should write alot so you learn to spell right and so on.
You shuold play Xbox 360 and playstation 3 to learn to hear and don't fell stress about the work you do.
No one shall take preassure on you so you don't want to work and that is bad.
You must have fun in school and learn alot and you should really I mean it relly have fun in school.
My deem school is that you learn alot play alot and of course have fun

Many students feel over stressed

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