How important are looks?
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-09-09

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11. Looks are important
Av 9B 2007-10-02 11:33

many people speend money on make-up, clothes and shoes. To look good it's important to me. Beautiful clothes and nice make-up. I love to dress up for the night parties.
10. Plastic Surgeries
Av 9B 2007-10-02 11:30

Nose job, bood job and liposuction, almost every person hates something on there bodies. I think it is okey to do plastic surgeries if you have been in an accendent, and if you have cleft palate. If anyone wants a beautiful body it's okey to do a plastic surgery.
9. How imoptant are looks
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:29

I think looks are important. But many people take it too seriously. They can spend hours in front of the mirror but that’s up too them. Everybody says that they don’t care about the outside but the truth is that everybody does. If you look at a person or talk to a person you always check how they’re looking and you judge them after that sometimes. But looks aren’t everything - the inside counts allot.
8. Answer: How important are looks?
Av Anni 9B 2007-10-02 11:28

I think that if you take care of your inside you will look great on your outside, so it has a conection. Everyone want to live as long as we can. So if you want a longer lofe you have to take care of your inside and you're going to look great on your outside.
7. How important is it?
Av Albin 9b 2007-10-02 11:23

I think many people think too much about that. If you feel good whitout buying expensive clothes you shouldn't buy It. I think it's nice when people care about how they look but you should care much about that you feel good and save money. Many qualities are important. If you are good att football you should care about that or if you are good in school.
6. Important??
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:21

I think looks are important. Many people say that they don't care about the outside of a person, but everbody does. But when you buy clothes for over 2000:- per month it gone to far. It scholden't be like this, you scholden't have to buy expensive clothes to be accepted, but that's how it is for many people
5. How important are looks
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:21

I don't think it's important how you look.
But you can't go to school whit very old clothes. If you do that somebody is going to laught at you,but I don't it is so kind.
4. How important are looks
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:21

I don't think it's important how you look.
But you can't go to school whit very old clothes. If you do that somebody is going to laught at you,but I don't it is so kind.
3. It's kind of important
Av Guldlock 2007-10-02 11:19

Looks are kind of important.
But not nearly to be one of the most important!
Looks are so many things.
The most Important with your look is how you take care of your self,
If you dress well and that kind of things. Not if your ears are a little big or if you have a big nose.
But remember, your look is not everything!
2. How Important are looks!
Av adam 2007-10-02 09:40

I really don’t care how people looks like, but some people do that. But they starve they self! They don’t eat because they thing they are fat, they hurt there self because friend say that they are ugly. but you must to truth to you self^_^
1. How important are looks?
Av Bettan 2007-10-02 09:35

Many people take a lot of time to dress good,
Have a nice make up and fix their hairs.
Is this stuff really necessary?
I think it’s nice when people are well dressed ore have their own scene of stile. But you don’t always have to look good!
But if you really want to then it’s your choice.
you can't make people look in a certain way.

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