Plastic surgeries are mad
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-09-09

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6. Answer: Plastic surgerie are mad!
Av Anni 9B 2007-10-02 11:32

I think plastic surgeries are mad if you look normal and do it. If you have been in an accident Ithink you can do it. I think everyone will look great. And I think you can do it of you fell really bad and if you have a bad confidence about it. If you think you gets a better life I think you can do it.
5. Plastic surgerie
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:28

I think that this is something that you most deicide yourself. People that don’t like it don’t have to care about it, I don’t understand if they think it’s so stupid why must they care. All people have a reason if they do plastic surgery and it’s up too them I don’t care. But those who wants to be a copy of somebody are a little strange.
4. Strange people?
Av Emil. S 2007-10-02 11:28

Nowadays a lot of people do plastic surgery. It is very expensive and very strange, why can’t you be pleased whit your body? If you have been in an accident and your face is totally wracked, then you can make a plastic surgery, if you want. It’s also ok if you are very fat and wants to live a normal life. Otherwise I think it’s very strange. If you make a plastic surgery and it strengthens your self-confidence it is great, but when you’ve once started it may be hard to stop doing plastic surgeries, and that will be very expensive. It is up to everyone if you wants to make a plastic surgery I cant stop you, you do as youself wants.
3. Plastic surgeries are mad
Av Anonym 2007-10-02 11:26

I think plastic surgeries are mad.Because some people are going to do that to look prettier.If you had been in an accident it can be more ore less necessary too do a plastic surgeries
2. Is it really that mad?
Av Guldlock 2007-10-02 11:17

I think that Plastic surgeries most of the time is good.
Now I don’t mean like Michael Jackson. That’s just mad!
But if you make it because you’re not happy with your look and do it because of that I think it’s okay, mostly.
Everyone can’t be happy with their look. And if you got the money, why not?
If I was really fat I wanted to do it to. Not just for my confidence but for my health to.
It’s the inside that matters that’s right. But, if your outside makes you feeling like you can’t be your self then what?
1. Plastic surgeries are mad!
Av Kungen 2007-09-10 10:27

I think it is up to yourself. If you want bigger boobs then get it! For some people bigger boobs can give them better self esteem. And ofcourse it is the inside who matters. But to come inside a person you must first see the outside. Because it is the outside you see but it is the inside you fall in love with.

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