Racism around the world

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2. I get so angry!
Av madness 2005-06-07 11:33

I can't understand why the color of the skin is made an excuse so people can go around and hate each other!
How can people nowadays think that they aren't just the same one cm under the skin??
I get so mad when I hear things people say to others that don't have the same skincolor.
I have even been really mad at my own friends. I don't care if they don't mean it, well if one says it to his/hers friend then maybe the friend know it's a joke, but otherwise you shouldn't go say things like that even if you don't mean it.
And I get so mad when people say that I can't call my self a "blatte" because I'm white. Well, you know what, it is in my blood!
Don't get so hanged up on the skin color, you are ruining peoples life! We have to stop this stupid narrow-minded people, there is people who dies everyday, 'cause someone thought they got the wrong skincolor...
1. I hate racism!
Av Linus 2005-04-29 09:14

When I hear the word racism, I think of people who get discriminated because of the colour of their skin. I mean, africans are black of the nature so they can live in the warm climat as it is in Africa. We europeans are white because we don't need the same protection...

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